Thursday, March 5, 2009

Really a Coalition government?!

Tsvangirai is Prime Minster and Mugabe is still President. Is it me or does President Mugabe have it that good now? He can have the title and not do the work. Last week an estimated $250,000 USD was "raised" for his 85th bday bash. I'm just still saying really? You have 4000 people dead, another 75,000 or so infected with cholera and you have to have a $250,000 birthday party. Even if that money was raised wouldn't it be fitting to donate it to medical supplies or anything which is everything that Zimbabweans greatly need. It is amazing how people cannot see past their own toes and needs. In the meantime, I'm not sure what Prime Minister Tsvangirai will get done - noone is really buying into this coalition government. American President Obama made a statement saying that the US plans to have sanctions up held for another year and the EU has no plans of lifting sanctions just yet. In the meantime the Zimbabwe is yesterdays news and people continue to suffer enormously with no foreseeable end in sight.