Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Desparate Situation

The situation continues to deterioarate around Zimbabwe.
The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said cholera had killed 565 people and infected over 12,500 Zimbabweans. Hundreds of Zimbabweans have fled to South Africa for treatment, adding to pressure for greater regional involvement to pull Zimbabwe back from total meltdown. Meanwhile the RedCross and UNICEF have been allowed access into to Zimbabwe to drill wells to provide some sort of relief for the citizens.
The interesting thing will be to see how the neighboring countries respond. There have been reports of a few cases of cholera in South Africa. Many Zimbabweans have been trying to cross the border to receive treatment as there are few clinics open in Zimbabwe at the moment.
The International Federation of the Red Cross said six people had died in South Africa with 400 cases reported.
"The problem is massive," Robin Waudo, a Red Cross spokesman in Zimbabwe, told Reuters Television.
Malawian Health Minister Khumbo Kachali told Reuters health services had been put on high alert after a Zimbabwean truck driver was admitted to a hospital there with the disease.
And as though the health breakdown was not enough for the people of Zimbabwe to deal with there have been increased reports of police and soldier clashes with Zimbabweans. With only 1/5 adults with a steady job, crime is bound to be on the rise.

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