Friday, January 30, 2009

"Unity Government"

MDC, the main opposition in Zimbabwe has finally agreed to join a unity government with Mugabe and Zanu PF. After months of resisting, Morgan Tsvangirai and his party finally agreed to try and move forward with a united government. It's hard to say how unified a government can be formed and work effectively when one side has been tortured, beaten and even killed by the other. I commend the opposition on this "leap of faith" to try and put an end to the immense suffering endured by the people of Zimbabwe. Now the world will have to wait and see if Mugabe can put aside his need for power and put Zimbabweans first to try and work out of this black hole of a mess. Hopefully it is a step forward and not two steps back. In the meantime 3100 have died from cholera and cases have topped 60,000. The government has all but adandoned the local currency, with an annoucement from The Zimbabwean acting finance minister Patrick Chinamasa has allowed Zimbabweans to conduct business in other currencies, as the local currency continues to inflate at an alarming rate.(BBC)

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